What are the Matlock Tapes?


THE NAME “Professor Wilbur Matlock” is currently unfamiliar to all but the most die-hard researchers into the paranormal and extra-terrestrial, but a new podcast series looks set to introduce his work to a wider audience.

BETWEEN 1970 and 1981, Professor Matlock researched and recorded his “Matlock Tapes”, narrated summaries of his investigations into the unknown. It appears that he was very dedicated to putting his thoughts on record, concerned that his findings would be lost forever.

AND INDEED, that would have been a possibility, had producer James Baxter not discovered the deceased Professor’s archive during a library renovation in 2021.

THE MAGNETIC charge on videotaped footage from the seventies is now so old and degraded that the tapes are almost unwatchable – at least in most cases - but audio-visual experts have been working on enhancing the sound quality and believe they have now done so to almost a broadcast quality standard.

THE FIRST tape makes an introduction to the strange man: “I am Professor Wilbur Matlock, and my intention is to record my thoughts and experiences to these tapes - to document them as fully as I am able, so that in the event of my death or a cover up by forces unknown, at least some of what I have learned may survive…”

THE PROFESSOR goes on to tell a chilling tale about the shocking murders that followed the crash of an American space capsule in a sleepy seaside village in England – a terrifying event which is alleged to have occurred in 1971.

PROFESSOR MATLOCK’S tales - often backed up with evidence - are often scarily convincing. “The stories you are about to hear are improbable, you may even find them ridiculous, but please believe me when I tell you that they are all true...!”

A ’PILOT’ episode – formed from the soundtrack of one of the tapes - is to be released this month and made available from most podcast providers. What if the show is successful? The shelves of the Matlock Archive are creaking with audiotape and U-Matic video cassettes. There are hundreds of other tapes; other stories that could be shared... Maybe even thousands...

Click here for links to subscribe: https://thematlocktapes.podbean.com/


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