What are the Matlock Tapes?

The Matlock Tapes is an independent, entirely non-profit podcast audiodrama created by James Baxter.

Told in the 'found footage' format, it 'stars' Professor Wilbur Matlock, an expert in the paranormal, who's taped recollections from the 1970s form the basis of each story. These recollections are fleshed out further by newspaper reports from the time, and other documentation - all of which is fictional, but presented as if a true fact. Effectively, we are presenting Dr Who and Hammer Horror style stories as if they genuinely happened, through the lens of a paranormal documentary.

You can find the podcast in most podcast stores, or go here for some links.

Who is Professor Matlock?

We don't nothing everything about Wilbur Matlock yet - and there are some secrets to be revealed - but there is a short biography here.

Will there be more episodes of the Matlock Tapes?

Only if you like, subscribe, share, comment, all of those annoying things that podcast creators constantly demand you do...! Seriously though, this costs time and money, and if I don't feel that the reach of the show is growing, or  I get the impression that you aren't appreciating it, it will eventually have to come to an end.

What's the end-goal of producing the Matlock Tapes? Put it behind a paywall? A Netflix deal? :)

We do this for the experience, to get better at all aspects of producing podcasts, and to make friends. The show will continue to be made available for free for the time being.

I would like to make a short film version of the Matlock Tapes one day, or perhaps try and use these as evidence of my skills to get a job working for an audiodrama production company, but I'm realistic about my chances...

That said, if Netflix do want to buy it from me for a million dollars, I'm always open to offers!

How can I find out more about some of the people involved?

Here are the credits for all released episodes. You can also see more detailed information about two of the key players in these interviews here - James Baxter and Giles Cosgrove.

Can I get involved with the Matlock Tapes?

Wave at me if you are interested in taking part and say what areas you'd like to work in (writing, acting, etc) and ideally, provide some examples of your work - even if it's limited because you're starting out -  and I will contact you if needed. Please don't send me full scripts on spec; I'd work with you to write an episode. 

I am especially interested to hear from you if you'd like to play a role in an episode and can record from home.

There is no money involved whatsoever in this podcast, so nobody's getting paid, even me - just making that clear, here and now!

Can I use audio/images from the show for my own creative endeavours?

Probably, but please let me know what you want to do with them first. I can also send you some images if needed.

How can I contact you?

Please email matlocktapes@outlook.com and I'll get back to you within a few days.

(Answers by James Baxter)

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