It's a Strange Planet we live on...

"Strange Planet" was a paranormal TV series broadcast on the ITV networks in 1973. A total of 13x20 minute episodes were produced, each one featuring a notable expert in the field of the paranormal recounting a 'strange but true' tale in the 'talking heads' monologue format.

Episode 10, Sea of Darkness, was hosted by Professor Wilbur Matlock (Now known for the Matlock Tapes podcast) and features him telling the story of what really happened to a marine archaeology team who encountered a strange underwater civilization....

This footage from the episode was recently rediscovered, all episodes of the show previously having been believed to have been wiped, and is to be presented on You Tube from 20:00 UK time Sunday evening. Please subscribe to this blog or to our YouTube channel if the video link above does not work for you. Please also note that picture and sound quality are variable, as you may expect for video taken from a videotape that is over 50 years old!

(None of this is really true, this is a short film created by James Baxter, Music by Mister Brown. The idea is to emulate the scratchy old paranormal documentaries that scared some of us as kids)

The Matlock Tapes podcast is real, and we'd invite you to check it out, you can get it from all the places that do podcasts.


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